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PSALM 121: 1-2

I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.

Christ Our Hope in Life and Death (Official Lyric Video) - Keith & Kristyn Getty, Matt Papa

Christ Our Hope in Life and Death (Official Lyric Video) - Keith & Kristyn Getty, Matt Papa

"Christ Our Hope in Life and Death" as sung by Matt Papa Stream this song and others on our official Spotify channel: Stay connected: Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more great modern hymns! "What is your only comfort in life and in death?” For centuries, believers have learned the Christian faith beginning with that question. It’s the first article in the Heidelberg Catechism of 1563. Why start there? Because death is our common fate. Unless Jesus returns first, we will all die. To find comfort in life, we must know how we can face death. Hope comes only in trusting the one who died to take the curse of death and who crushed the power of death by his resurrection. “Christ has been raised from the dead” (1 Cor 15:20). That is the only statement that can transform how we live each day and how we prepare for our earthly life to end. The hope of the resurrection spurs us to sing. That’s why a group of songwriters from Getty Music wrote the modern hymn “Christ Our Hope in Life and Death.” Like the Heidelberg Catechism that inspired it, this song is honest about death. There is no need to shrink back from mentioning death in our hymns, because we know the Living One who has conquered death forever. The Christian can sing hallelujah, because Christ assures us of our glorious future. Now and ever, we confess: “I am not my own, but belong—body and soul in life and in death—to my faithful Savior, Jesus Christ.” LYRICS What is our hope in life and death? Christ alone, Christ alone. What is our only confidence? That our souls to him belong. Who holds our days within his hand? What comes, apart from his command? And what will keep us to the end? The love of Christ, in which we stand. O sing hallelujah! Our hope springs eternal; O sing hallelujah! Now and ever we confess Christ our hope in life and death. What truth can calm the troubled soul? God is good, God is good. Where is his grace and goodness known? In our great Redeemer’s blood. Who holds our faith when fears arise? Who stands above the stormy trial? Who sends the waves that bring us nigh Unto the shore, the rock of Christ? Unto the grave, what shall we sing? “Christ, he lives; Christ, he lives!” And what reward will heaven bring? Everlasting life with him. There we will rise to meet the Lord, Then sin and death will be destroyed, And we will feast in endless joy, When Christ is ours forevermore. Words and Music by Keith Getty, Matt Boswell, Jordan Kauflin, Matt Merker, Matt Papa ©2020 Getty Music Publishing (BMI) / Messenger Hymns (BMI) / Jordan Kauflin Music (BMI) / Matthew Merker Music (BMI) / Getty Music Hymns and Songs (ASCAP) / Love Your Enemies Publishing (ASCAP) / adm at
I Will Wait For You (Psalm 130) Lyrics ~ Shane & Shane

I Will Wait For You (Psalm 130) Lyrics ~ Shane & Shane

PSALM 130 I Will Wait For You (Lyrics) ~ Shane & Shane Order HYMNS LIVE on iTunes here: enjoy this lyrics #blessed • music meets heaven • 🕇 "...apart from You I have no good thing" follow our Spotify Playlists: Music Meets Heaven: Spotify: Instagram: Soundcloud: Facebook: Twitter » Shane & Shane Instagram: Facebook: 📸Picture Credit music meets heaven, caesarea ~~ LYRICS ~~ Out of the depths I cry to You In darkest places I will call Incline Your ear to me anew And hear my cry for mercy Lord Were You to count my sinful ways How could I come before Your throne Yet full forgiveness meets my gaze I stand redeemed by grace alone I will wait for You, I will wait for You On Your word I will rely I will wait for You, surely wait for You Till my soul is satisfied So put Your hope in God alone Take courage in His power to save Completely and forever won By Christ emerging from the grave So He has come to make a way And God Himself has paid the price That all who trust in Him today Find healing in His sacrifice That all who trust in Him today Find healing in His sacrifice I will wait for You, I will wait for You Through the storm and through the night I will wait for You, surely wait for You For Your love is my delight I will wait for You, I will wait for You On Your word I will rely I will wait for You, surely wait for You Till my soul is satisfied #shaneandshane #psalm130 #musicmeetsheaven submit music: ✘ music meets heaven is set to be a music blog mainly focusing on ‹ Christian › Music. We don't restrict ourselves to a certain genre but are constantly in the search of #goodmusic for Jesus.#Matter #WorshipMatters
Across the Lands (Official Lyric Video) - Keith & Kristyn Getty

Across the Lands (Official Lyric Video) - Keith & Kristyn Getty

"Across the Lands" as performed by Keith & Kristyn Getty Recorded LIVE at the Gospel Coalition Stream this song and others on our official Spotify channel: Stay connected: Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more great modern hymns! Lyrics You’re the Word of God the Father From before the world began. Ev’ry star and ev’ry planet Has been fashioned by Your hand. All creation holds together By the power of Your voice. Let the skies declare Your glory; Let the land and seas rejoice! CHORUS You’re the Author of creation; You’re the Lord of ev’ry man; And Your cry of love rings out across the lands. Yet You left the gaze of angels, Came to seek and save the lost, And exchanged the joy of heaven For the anguish of a cross. With a prayer You fed the hungry; With a word You calmed the sea; Yet how silently You suffered That the guilty may go free! With a shout You rose victorious, Wresting vict’ry from the grave, And ascended into heaven, Leading captives in Your way. Now You stand before the Father, Interceding for Your own; From each tribe and tongue and nation, You are leading sinners home! WORDS AND MUSIC BY KEITH GETTY & STUART TOWNEND © 2003 THANKYOU MUSIC(PRS) ADM WORLDWIDE AT CAPITOLCMGPUBLISHING.COM EXCLUSING EUROPE WHICH IS ADM BY INTEGRITYMUSIC.COM
In Christ Alone (Official Lyric Video) - Keith & Kristyn Getty, Alison Krauss

In Christ Alone (Official Lyric Video) - Keith & Kristyn Getty, Alison Krauss

"In Christ Alone" sung by Kristyn Getty & Alison Krauss Stream this song and others on our official Spotify channel: Stay connected: Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more great modern hymns! LYRICS In Christ alone my hope is found; He is my light, my strength, my song; This cornerstone, this solid ground, Firm through the fiercest drought and storm. What heights of love, what depths of peace, When fears are stilled, when strivings cease! My comforter, my all in all— Here in the love of Christ I stand. In Christ alone, Who took on flesh, Fullness of God in helpless babe! This gift of love and righteousness, Scorned by the ones He came to save. Till on that cross as Jesus died, The wrath of God was satisfied; For ev’ry sin on Him was laid— Here in the death of Christ I live. There in the ground His body lay, Light of the world by darkness slain; Then bursting forth in glorious day, Up from the grave He rose again! And as He stands in victory, Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me; For I am His and He is mine— Bought with the precious blood of Christ. No guilt in life, no fear in death— This is the pow’r of Christ in me; From life’s first cry to final breath, Jesus commands my destiny. No pow’r of hell, no scheme of man, Can ever pluck me from His hand; Till He returns or calls me home— Here in the pow’r of Christ I’ll stand. WORDS AND MUSIC BY KEITH GETTY & STUART TOWNEND © 2002 THANKYOU MUSIC(PRS) ADM WORLDWIDE AT CAPITOLCMGPUBLISHING.COM EXCLUDING EUROPE WHICH IS ADM BY INTEGRITYMUSIC.COM
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